Secondary Account


Last Update há um ano

Main account VIP 2 or 3 , secondary account has no VIP pack

  • Can use the secondary account from the same IP
  • Can use the secondary account from the same device
  • Can use it to rob in the same gang
  • Can get trust to it
  • Will not be able to move stats between the 2
  • Will not be able to to trade kills between the 2

Main account VIP 3, secondary account has one of the 3 VIP packs

  • Can use the secondary account from the same IP
  • Can use the secondary account from the same device
  • Can use it to rob in the same gang
  • Can get trust to it
  • Will be able to move stats between the 2 ( up to 20 hits )
  • Will be able to to trade kills between the 2 ( up to 20 kills )

They will have to link the second account to the main account

They can assault said assault at 20 times per round and win stats from it

They can use it from the same device

They can use it from the same IP

The “ rabbit account” can only be or have trust to the primary account

Multis can't and won't be allowed to have a trust or another multi

Multis can't and won't be allowed to win a medal on the game.

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