New stock market !!!!


Last Update há 7 meses

We have decided to change the way stock market works to reduce the importance of multies when it comes to playing broker

General Description:

Stocks no longer have their price affected by the amount available on the market. Instead, they now gain a little value every TC day. This increase is random and the higher the risk, the more the price increases.

Events will influence the value of stocks much more as the round goes on. Higher risk stocks are more influenced by events compared to lower risk ones. This applies to price increases (economy booming and stocks going up) as well as price decreases (black thursday and stocks going down).

Complete Information:

Stocks no longer have their price affected by the amount available on the market. Instead, they now gain a little value every TC day. This increase is random and the higher the risk, the more the price increases:

Low risk: between $4 and $8

Medium risk: between $6 and $10

High risk: between $8 and $16

Their price is also affected by events. The "Economy is booming" event increases the price of all stocks, while "Stocks go up" increases the price of two specific stocks. This price increase is random depending on the risk:

Low risk: between 8% and 12%

Medium risk: between 15% and 25%

High risk: between 20% and 30%

The "Black thursday" event lowers the price of all stocks, while "Stocks go down" lowers the price of two specific stocks. This price decrease is random depending on the risk:

Low risk: between 4% and 8%

Medium risk: between 15% and 25%

High risk: between 25% and 35%

Overall, low risk stocks give you small but guaranteed profit in the long run, as they almost do not go down. Medium and high risk stocks are more profitable but also go down much more depending on events.

We will be adding stocks to the market during the round as well

Day 10 : 50 kk stocks

Day 15 : 50 kk stocks

Day 20 : 50 kk stocks

Day 25 : 50 kk stocks

Day 30 : 50 kk stocks

Enjoy the round and please keep the feedback coming.

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