Daily Missions

Tolga (abuser)

Last Update 1 年前

We have created  15 daily missions that will be available starting day 5 of the game.

Each mission will come from day 5 to day 20 and then repeat until day 30 etc.

The missions will increase in difficulty 3 times during the round as explained below

Day 5- base values

Day 20 - increased difficulty and reward by 100 %

Day 35 - increased difficulty and reward by 200 %

Day 50 - increased difficulty and reward by 300 % 

Regarding rewards; Stats rewards are distributed equally to each stats. So, if you receive 30.000 stats, you will receive it as 7500 intelligence, 7500 strenght, 7500 tolerance, 7500 charisma


  • Win 3 bids for one random component (Opium, Cocaine, Amphetamine, Heroin, Special K, Morphine).

-Reward : 50.000.000 drug from the same component you won  (Rewards will not increase during the round)

  • Kill 2 foreign players. The players must not be from the same country as the players accepting the mission

-Reward : 15.000 stats (each trait) + 10 tickets

  • Win 3 bids for one random component (Painkillers, Booze, Weed, Magic mushrooms, Hash)

-Reward : 120.000.000 drug from the same component you won (Rewards will not increase during the round)

  • Business purge :Kill 2 players that have the same profession as you have.

-Reward : 20.000 stats (each trait) + 12 tickets + 5.000.000 Heroine

  • Kill 2 players that have a different profession from yours.

-Reward : 15.000 stats (each trait) +12 tickets + 5.000.000 cocaine

  • A pimp’s nightmare Kill 2 pimps

Reward - 10.000 stats  (each trait) + 10 French Maid Fify + 20 Miss blonde

  • A robber’s nightmare Kill 2 robbers

-Reward 10.000 stats (each trait) + 12 tickets + 1 goggles of fortune + drug cookies item

  • A broker’s nightmare Kill 2 brokers

-Reward 20.000 stats (each trait) + 12 tickets + 10.000.000 opium

  • A Bm’s nightmare Kill 2 Businessman

Reward 15.000 stats (each trait) + 1.500.000.000 money + 12 tickets

  • Make 2 purchase(s) of the following stock random(all stocks)

-Reward : 25 tickets  (Rewards will not increase during the round)

  • Sell drugs in dealer for at least 5,000,000,000$  (+multiplier) (can be any drug, each drug sold must be added in order to reach the value)

-Reward : 3.000.000 Heroin

  • Make 100 gang robberies during the game day.

-Reward 25 tickets (Rewards will not increase during the round)

  • Make 100 single robberies during the game day. (hire shouldn't count)

-Reward : 5.000.000 Cocaine (Rewards will not increase during the round)

  • Start a sabotage on a player

-Reward : 10 blood transfusions items + 200 temp credits + 10 tickets   (Rewards will not increase during the round)

  • Use 100 tickets without dying

Reward : 25 tickets   (Rewards will not increase during the round)

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