Gang Wars


Last Update kolme vuotta sitten

How will it work

Every 4 tc days we will have an event called GANG WARS

This will allow gang leaders to challenge other gang leaders

For each event day a gang can send 4 challenges … but every time they reject a fight / challenge they will lose one of the 4 challenges available to them .

  • In order to take part in Gang wars your gang must have 6 trusted members,HQ and Assault strategy at lvl 6
  • A gang can only challenge another gang once per TC day

So If X( gang leader of NWO), sends a challenge to Y( gang leader of OAR) and Y rejects it he will only have 3 challenges to use that day.

Scenario 1

Gang leader X sends a challenge to Gang leader Y and the second one accepts allowing X to set a GA on Y

All trusted accounts will be able to see the GA in the gang assault page

In this scenario we will have AP VS AP ( we have to think about how to implement HP as well )

A gang war invitation should only last for 2 hours (TC time)

Scenario 2

Where leader X sends a challenge to leader Y but leader Y rejects .

In this case the gang lead by X will automatically win 200 k gang points from the system and leader Y’s gang will get nothing. ( In this way we are avoiding complaints from leaders that won't want to fight )

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